Digital Citizenship

Please read these links which demonstrate ways you can become a 

As part of our community unit we will be learning how to be a RESPONSIBLE digital citizen.
We will be finding out about our DIGITAL FOOTPRINT and how important it is to have NETIQUETTE.


  • become responsible digital citizens
  • use netiquette when using technology
  • know how to keep ourselves safe on the Internet 
  • understand that the footprint we leave on the Internet is important and can have consequences in the future.
Writing an effective Blog Comment

Watch the following youtube clips about writing 
effective BLOG comments

Take notes and then respond with how to CREATE great blog comments for others.

Thanks Mrs T for providing a wealth of knowledge for my learners.


  1. These are some great tips you gave my class.I always go to these two videos to make a good comment. I like the the tip to stay on topic because it's funny and I sometimes go off topic.Thanks for the tips

    1. It is pleasing to see that you are using the resources available to you Erini! Helps me see the value of including them when my class uses them.

  2. wow.
    These are very great tips how to comment on a blog.
    i like the tip to stay on topic and comment on a blog.

  3. I like the tip on complimenting on other peoples work.
