Kapa Haka T2

Here is the link to our Kapa Haka show.

Here are the words to our performance for Term 2.

He Hōnore

He hōnore, he korōria ki …te Atua

He maungārongo ki …te whenua

He whakaaro pai ki ngā …tāngata katoa

Hangā e te Atua he …ngākau hou

Ki roto, ki tēnā, ki tēnā …o mātou

Hei awhina, hei tohutohu …i a mātou

Ki nga akoranga o  te kura o…Koromatua

Nau hoki te…rangatiratanga

Te Kaha me te…kororia

Ake, ake ake…Amine

Ko te whaea
Ko te whaea o te ao

Ka waiata ki ā Maria
Hine i whakaae
Whakameatia mai
He whare tangata

Hine purotu
Hine ngākau
Hine rangimārie

Ko te whaea
Ko te whaea o te ao

Ko te whaea
Ko te whaea o te ao

Tīhore mai te rangi
Tihore mai te rangi
tīhore mai
Mao mao mao te ua
whiti mai te rā,
mao mao mao te ua
whiti mai te rā,

E rere kōtare
E rere kotare
Ki runga pūwharawhara
Ruru parirau kei mate i te ua,
Ruru parirau kei mate i te ua.

E rere e noke
E rere e noke
mai tō pokorua
Kai ki i te wai
Kai mate i te ua,
Kai ki i te wai
Kai mate i te ua,

E . . . i . . . e . . .
Whiti mai te rā
E . . . i . . . e . . .
Whiti mai te rā.

Tena ra Koutou katoa

Utaina mai nga waka
Nga waka o te motu
 Toea mai ra ki uta
Ki te takotoranga
Hiki nuku, hiki e
Hiki rangi, rangi e.

Tena, tena ra Koutou katoa.


Utaina. Hi!
Utaina. Hi!
Utaina mai nga iwi o te motu 
Ki runga Waikato e tau nei
Hiki-nuku e! Hiki-rangi e!
Hiki-rangi e! Hiki-nuku e!
(I a ha ha!)

Ka hikitia i tana iwi
Ka hapainga I tana waka
Aue aue aue ha!
Aue aue aue ha, hi!
Tenei matou 
e tu atu nei
ki te whakangahau
 i te ope nei e - te iwi - 
aue, aue 

Purutia ra 
to mana Maori e
He tohutohu 
i roto tenei wa.

Ahakoa matou kua riro nei
ko te maname te wehi kia mau e.
No reira 
e hoa ma,
te wahine pai  e kori atu nei.
- aue, e hine ma, 
tukutuku tukua -
o taha e rua 
no reira kia mau e.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I practice singing while doing my job at night I know most Te Reo Maori songs some times I do some actions that I know.

  3. When we do Maori songs with the pukana I try to do it.

    1. it is only for boys unless you are doing the females one we will do great on the night i believe we can do it and i know we could do it
      by Joseph

    2. the boys are going to be scary to our parents

    3. Is all about discipline and performance.

    4. And Mana. I Wash the dishes and sing all our Kapa Haka songs.

  4. you guys are powerful at kapa haka
