28 August 2016

BELLO! LUK AT TU! (Hello! Look at You!)

Tena koutou katoa or Bello! from Room 9's Minions!
We are an amazing bunch of Yr 4 and 5 Minions from the outskirts of Hamilton, New Zealand.

Most of our Minions live in Templeview. We have about 180 students in our school, with vibrant classrooms and teachers. 






Our school logo shows Mt Pirongia. 
The red, black and white are traditionally important colours in Maori culture. The black and white lines with koru-shaped end pieces represent the Waikato and Waipa rivers. 

Welcome to our blog! 
We have four Minions who have started their own blogging journeys, so please leave us loads of comments. They would truly appreciate developing their skills!

As quadblogging is new to us, it's an exciting time ahead.

Take care and Minion on!

27 August 2016


What better way to apply area, perimeter and fractions than to link it with Visual Art and create Minecraft Selfies.

We created our mini versions and found the area and perimeter by using a range of additive and simple multiplicative strategies with whole numbers and fractions.

Here are our final selfies. Leave us some comments about what you think of our maths and artworks.











This term has seen us working hard towards the cross country for 2016. 
We have been building stamina through completing our daily beep test where we ran 20 metres on every beep. It was easy to start with but got harder the more we progressed.

Here are some of our spreadsheets that we used to record our results.


Here we are running the course and using our stamina.







Some great results had by our runners after our third attempt at the day.
Good luck to our runners who will represent us at Lower Waipa Inter Schools.