5 October 2016


Part of our learning in Term 3 was based around the following activity sourced from sciencelearn.org.nz
 Activity idea

In this activity, students design and build a balloon-powered car to better understand the science ideas related to rocket propulsion. They use ideas of mass and force to work out ways to improve the distance travelled by their car.

By the end of this activity, students should be able to:
·         design and build a balloon-powered car
·         describe how their car is designed to go as far as possible
·         use ideas of mass and forces (such as thrust, air resistance and wheel friction) to describe what might help their car travel further
·         explain what causes the balloon car to start moving, using ideas of action and reaction forces
·         explain that momentum keeps their balloon car moving once the balloon is no longer applying a force and that it will slow down because of the force of friction.

We trialed many times and failed, but with the attitude in Room 9 of 'don't give up!', we persevered and achieved some amazing results. 
Our cars wreaked of creativity, which just goes to show 'old fashioned fun' and a lot of human air can still be had in the 21st century classroom.
Here are some pics of our cars along the way and a short movie for you to see how it all came together on 'RACE DAY'.








Here is our RACE DAY movie.


  1. What an awesome project for the kids. How cool :)

  2. Our balloon powered cars
    were amazing

  3. Wow what a fun activity, i really hope my team don't find this post, you can imagine what they'll be asking to do. Science is my favourite subject and I am so pleased you are having fun with it too. The designs of your cars are very unique. Have a great Term 4. Mrs Stanway and Team Kereru

  4. It was really hard at first but now we got the hang of it.

  5. My one didn't work at all. :(

  6. I used the sentence 'Never give up' to help me with the science project.

    1. I loved being the recorder for the race day video.
